The client was one of the leading innovation-driven pharmaceutical companies in the APAC region, which has a history of working in synergy with its global network of technology and commercialization partners to develop and market unique, safe therapeutic compounds and products using ingredients from natural resources.
As a result of its extensive research and development program, client has a fast-growing portfolio of patented and patent-pending platform technologies. These cutting-edge technologies offer ground-breaking opportunities for the development and commercialization of innovative ‘best-in-class’ products in areas of high unmet need.
The client regularly files for patents for its inventions and products. The patents have validity and need periodic renewals.
The client needs complete documentation and various process requests from the patent office in order to obtain or retain the patents. Each of these requests has certain deadlines, failing to meet results in loss of applicant’s patent rights (in this case, client’s rights on exclusivity of the technology).
Hence, this process needed automated tracking of the deadlines and reminders not to exceed them.
Various reports were also required to get an instant view of the patent statuses.
Eternus Solutions delivered the following modules as part of this system:
Patent Tracking System
Patent tracking system allowed the users to input the patent application related information, store the information and generate reports.
Notification function informed the users on the required activity.
Internal Request Tracking
Request application enabled the users of the Research and Development (R&D) and Business Development (BD) departments to submit activity request to legal department for performing some work. Legal department users could view reports for the activities in the list with the expected date of completion.
This database solution would greatly bolster work performance and time management for all departments concerned with Patent Management (Legal, R&D, BD and Marketing) and would also enable the easy accessibility of patent status information across various departments.
The easy retrieval of status information by the above mentioned departments thereby allowed the management to plan on the best strategy for commercialization and/ or development of a product, and to use the existing patents to the fullest of its revenue generating capabilities.
Custom tab for taking the patent application inputs
Application inputs stored in custom objects
Customization of existing Standard object
Creation of new objects
Triggers, Workflows and Classes to manage the business work flow
Data Analytics using business dashboards, reports
New custom Visualforce pages, triggers and workflows aligned to various processes
Development on Developer Sandbox
SRS and Design documents to start building any new components
Designing and developing workflows for various processes
Extensive usage of trigger, classes, batch apex and schedulers to write custom logic
Data Tool Configuration using standard editor
Coding using SFDC standards and best practices