The client is an event management organization in the Middle East, focused on providing professional and affordable services for event management and registration.
Client wanted to develop a cloud-based Event Management Site using platform for registration and badges creation of the subscribers, for various events such as corporate launches, conferences, conventions, PR events, sales promotion, seminars, fairs, exhibitions etc.
The objectives of the project were as listed below:
Capability to register event organizers and subscribers for the created events
Capability to create Campaigns for the events
Creation of Badges for the registered customers
Configuration to display the selected number of subscribers in the event details
Capability to search subscribers based on their name initials
Bilingual support – English and Hebrew
Eternus Solutions reviewed the objectives and worked with the client to develop the Event Management Site, leveraging site functionality as the implementation technology stack.
Event Organizer Registration
Event Organizer Registration functionality would enable the client’s admin user to register the organizer and provide him credentials to use the Event Management site
On registration, an organizer would receive an account activation email to activate his account. On activation, an organizer can login into the Event Management Site using provided credentials to organize events.
Event Creation
Event creation functionality would enable the users to create campaigns for the events
The home page of an Event Creation functionality would display the list of created events. The users can select particular event from the list, which would redirect the user to the event detail page.
Subscriber Registration
A Visualforce page was developed for Subscriber Registration functionality, which enabled the users to register subscribers through an online registration form
A user could also import lists of subscribers created in .csv format, which contained details of the registered subscribers
Badge Creation
The event management site had an exclusive functionality for building and producing badges for the registered subscribers
The badge design was supported by a two-sided design layout. The users were able to customize the entire area of the badge and could select different designs for different group of subscribers.
User could create badges in a portrait as well as a landscape layout format
Users could also print the created badge
Search Registered Users
The Search functionality was provided to find a particular subscriber by merely entering the initials of his name in the search bar, which would display a list of matching subscribers
Bilingual Application
The application could be operated in both Hebrew and English
UI Design and Development
The project involved a responsive UI design that was compatible with the site and easy-to-use
Creation of Visualforce pages for site login, organizers and subscribers registration and badge generation
Creation of Email templates to send account activation emails to the organizers
Use of Record type to control operation in multiple languages
Use of pagination to display the selected number of records and to allow users to navigate to previous and next records
Use of JavaScript for validation of the entered details
Use of Visualforce Remoting to fetch data dynamically, to decrease page response time and to enhance the performance of the application
Use of encrypted text for login password
Use of field mapping, custom fields and field security